Since my early twenties I have had a big interest in naturopathic and nutritional medicine. My professional studies began in 1992, and included the following;

Courses Attended

A two year in class attendance course for Nutritional and Naturopathic Medicine
A one year in class attendance course for Nutritional and Naturopathic Medicine
A one year and three month in class attendance course for Advanced Nutritional Medicine
A one year in class attendance course for Ayurvedic psychiatry, (Bhootvydia), and Ayurvedic Nutrition (EPI)

Diploma's Attained

Diploma in nutrition
Diploma in nutritional therapeutics
Diploma in nutritional medicine
Advanced diploma in nutritional medicine
Diploma in Eastern Psychotherapy Intervention

In addition to the above I have for the last 4 years been researching extensivly some of the main factors that are responsible for the deterioration of health, this work also includes new protocols (naturopathic) for helping them.

Also over the years I have attended a number of related short courses as part of continued professional development, which included the following;

Introduction To Iridology (iris diagnosis)
Advanced Iridology (naturopathic diagnostic technique)
Higher Nature Seminar on Essential Fatty Acids
Solgar Seminar on Phytonutrition
Mind Matters Seminar on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Mind Matters Seminar on Depression
Workshop with Dr. John Lee on Natural Progesterone
Workshop with Dr. Abram Hoffer on Mental Disorders
Womens' Hormonal Health Assessment
Workshop with Dr. Bernadette Kis on Biological Terrain Assessment
Nutri Seminar – Introduction to Functional Medicine and Comprehensive Cardiovascular Assessment
Workshops with Dr. Lawrence Plaskett on Rheumatoid Arthritis and Autoimmunity, Laboratory Testing and Essential Fatty Acids

Since 1999 I have been working at Kamkus Integrated Medicine Clinic in Harley Street, London.

Association Membership

Wholistic Nutritional Medicine Society - founder member
Nutrional Therapy Council

I represented the International Guild of Professional Practitioners and the Nutritional Therapy Council regarding the area of nutritional medicine in work with the goverment body, Healthwork UK (now Skills for Health) in drawing up national occupational standards (NOS) producing a generic document covering standards for all complementary therapies. The relevant section was then adapted to produce specific standards for nutritional therapy, since used to develop the core curiculum for nutritional education which is now used by the main training organisations.

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