Our physical being is a priceless gift. It has very different ways in which it protects, heals and maintains itself. There are key systems in the body working in a very orchestrated way which enable it to do this. There is a relationship between these various systems and the inner biological enviroment of the body, in that in good health they can protect and support each other or, in poor health they can downgrade each other losing protection and becoming an underlying cause of poor function and disease. Understanding this relationship becomes all important when endeavouring to help restore the normal balance. It is when these systems are out of balance that, over time, problems occur impacting throughout the body.

The symptoms and conditions associated with this downgrade are staggering, here I have listed some of the main ones:

Poor cardiovascualr health
Increased clotting
Accelerated ageing
Energy related illness
Weight gain
Free radical pathology
Tired all the time
Poor immune function

Modern technology can be used to assess the status of these relationships, identify any imbalances, find the root of the problem and hence allow identification of the treatment required to protect or restore health. I use a test called Biological Terrain Assessment which gives very detailed infomation relating to how well biological and physiological systems are working, allowing me to indentify problems and provide safe appropriate treatment.

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